Sunday, September 21, 2008

Writing assignment

Poetry is said to predate literature and script as ancient tribes used to practice it verbally and through song. Poetry itself is an art-form of passion. Some also say that all passion is born of pain and this combination of passion and pain doesn’t necessarily need any script. Poetry can be considered many different things for many different people although whether it is the way you say I love you to your future spouse or the way you say goodbye to a relative who has passed away; it is always poetic. I was once told that a poem is simply enough just words on a page and I couldn’t agree more. Words on a page no matter how rhythmic or methodical do not equal poetry; it’s the passion and emotion behind those words that make it differ any other text. “Poetic passions hold true to their creators and wish no harm upon those who feel its pain” (Damien, A Poets Mind, 2) is somewhat of the point I am trying to get across. Poetry is a harmonious blend of emotion in which 90% of the time is never captured or recorded on paper. The common misconception with poetry is that it has to be written such as the discovery of the first poem; “Epic of Gilgamesh” which was found in Iraq from the 3rd millennium BC. According to the wikipedia website the era of the poem “Epic of Gilgamesh” is when poetry must have started as a verbal practice and eventually graduated to actual script. So from my point of view they are stating that emotion did not reside within mankind until this point in time. The issue I would like to address is the fact that any action foul or benevolent if performed based on emotion, is poetry. The fact of discovering a written poem has less to do with poetry than it does a rare archeological find. This paper is not intended to malign the historical texts which quote a specific time frame when poetry was originated although I will attempt to attest to the fact that poetry dates back to the beginning of mankind.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Three Research topics

I would like to learn more about the origins of poetry. I would like to find out where it came from as well as what culture it began in, and possibly what role a poet played in society. The second topic i would like to research is the origin of police and where the idea of policing began. The third topic i would like to research is the myth, legend and mystery behind nostradomus.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Outline: Interpreting a Poem

Interpreting a Poem Jeremy Carlton
Thesis: Poetry is subjective to eyes upon words, most every interpretation is correct.
1. Identifying a poem
A. What to look for when identifying a poem
1. The line
2. The sound
3. The density
4. The association
5. The irony
B. Not every poem will exhibit all of these features
1. The line is a poems most basic unit ; compare this to normal prose
2. Line breaks in poetry can be used as punctuation
a. Poets often allow a sentence or clause to leak into the next line, this is called enjambment
3. The most obvious way to identify a poem is the rhyme scheme
4. Density
a. This is quite often over looked as the mental effort it took to put feeling and emotion into the poem
b. Density is often focused in certain manners
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Symbolic language
5. Associations and Irony
a. By associating concrete images in metaphorical and unexpected ways, the poet uses irony to capture the reader
1. In Emily Dickenson’s “The Chariot (Because I Could Not Stop For Death) the image of death coming for the narrator is conveyed by the image of a thoughtful coachman
2. Learn Some of The Elements of Poetry
A. Meter
1. The regular rhythmic pattern of a poem
2. Stressed and Unstressed beat patterns
B. Iambic pentameter
1. An example of iambic pentameter is Shakespheres “anti-sonnet” praising his
beloved for everything she is not
C. Common Forms
1. Blank Verse
2. Namelines per stanzaDescription
3. Diction or poetic language

3. Apply Some Tools For Analysis
A. Practical Criticism
B. Close Reading
1. Examining carefully the features of the text itself
1a. Figure out what text contains more meaning
C. Scanning
1. Mapping out a line of poetry to figure out the meter of the poem
D. Identifying The Form
1. Dramatic Monologue
2. Heroic Couplets
3. Free Verse (verse libre)
4. Enjoy Yourself
A. It is very much possible to read too much into a poem
1. Don’t stress yourself out
B. Poetry is subjective to eyes upon words
1. Usually the meaning of a poem is whatever the audience believes it to be
C. Read and enjoy poetry one line at a time

Monday, September 1, 2008


My name is Jeremy Carlton and I am in my second semester at Crafton. I pride myself over the writing accomplishments I have made thus far in my life considering English 015 is the first form of any writing training I would have at the completion of this class. Within the past year I have had seven poems and two short stories published in books and magazines, and I am hoping to finish my full length book soon with intentions of having it published. Currently I have a full time job with Sara Lee coinciding with school and my other job; music I am a very busy person. I have recently finished my first solo album with Kut Throat Entertainment and have one song in rotation on 99.1. My ultimate goal is to get my ideas and thoughts out to everyone in one way or another and with a strong determination I will be in relentless pursuit of my dreams.